The Florida Daily Post
Each and every single day, get the latest breaking local, national, and world news and...dont miss out on our regular columns about art, entertainment, sports, music, lifestyle, and cultural happenings in Florida and the rest of the country.
Who we are
The Florida Daily Post is an online-only newssite (not a "newspaper") and a media website based out of West Palm Beach, Florida. The website is not a digital version of a printed newspaper as the Florida Daily Post does not print a newspaper.
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There's also exclusively unique content on different topics for the avid reader (subscribers) who wants to support this kind of journalistic work and reporting.
As a news outlet, the digital platform is structured under different content sections for the convenient use of a local (statewide) and national audience. The Florida Daily Post provides daily journalism without a premium subscription regarding different topics of interest: breaking news, local news, national news, world news, opinions, analysis, Op-ed, commentaries, and various feature writings about art, beauty, business, education, entertainment, environment, events, family, food, health, music, people, parenthood, politics, society, sports, technology, travel, and other lifestyle topics.
As part of our involvement in the community and lifestyle of our users’ demographics, Florida Daily Post promotes specific events throughout Florida, including music festivals, not-for-profit campaigns like marathons, sports events, art fairs, and book fairs providing exclusive coverage—previous and post-event.
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Florida Daily Post digital news services are sourced in AP (Associated Press). The Florida Daily Post does not accept news from other sources. News content in the Florida Daily Post cannot be resold or reused directly from our site without the written consent of our providing sources as indicated in each news article.
All content in sections of the site are the work of staff writers, columnists, oped-writers and contributors, are property of The Florida Daily Post for use only in this website or affiliated landing pages of the Florida Daily Post.
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The Florida Daily Post provides information from various parts of the state, the country, and the world with topics of general interest including politics, social issues, sports, the economy, arts, culture, busines, entertainment, and lifestyle interests.