President Obama’s Final White House Concert
President Barack Obama hosted his Final White House Concert on Friday October 21, a concert in conjunction with BET Network entitled “Love and Happiness.”
Revelations from Wikileaks’ Hacked Clinton Emails. What Do They Tell You?
14 revelations from Wikileaks' Hacked Clinton emails. What do they tell you? What can we learn about tens of thousands more emails dumped by Wikileaks?
Who are the Women Accusing Trump of Inappropriate Sexual Conduct?
Who are the Women Accusing Trump of Inappropriate Sexual Conduct? Here's the Full List, Names, Relations to Trump, their Allegations and Trump Says.
Wikileaks Dumped Transcripts of Clinton’s Wall Street Talks
Wikileaks has published in stages what it says are hacked emails of Hillary Clinton's speeches. Kaine questions 'honesty' of Clinton email hackers in video.
Minimum wage measures on the ballot in 5 states on November 8
Five States will have Minimum Wage measures on the ballot this November 8. Here's a Here's a rundown and what the Wage hike question means for many voters this year.