Search results for: Wynwood

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Art Wynwood Honors Victims of Parkland High School Shooting

The mural was created by street artists Al Diaz, Danny Minnick and Edwin Baker as student survivors hope to become the face of a revived gun control movement.

Cycle Party Tour, an Adventure Through Artsy Wynwood in Miami

The Wynwood art district scene is truly unique and the Cycle Party tour builds a perfect experience for a group that wants to have fun and great entertainment for the better of two hours.

4,000-square-foot Mural by Fin DAC at Wynwood Walls

The new mural by Fin DAC, one of Fin DAC’s greatest masterpieces, was announced on Wednesday by Goldman Global Arts Gallery at Wynwood Walls.

Wynwood Walls Goes Big with Humankind

Goldman Properties, formally unveiled 12 new installations with a theme of “humankind”. There is also a new look and new show at the Peter Tunney Experience gallery.

Case Has Created Hands On Art at Miami’s Wynwood Walls

As good photorealistic art in the graffiti, Case Maclaim Murals at Wynwood Walls communicate strong messages, leave the viewer to visualize their own story.

