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President Trump’s Move to Redefine Water Rule Threatens Florida’s Wetlands Banks

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to propose a new rule that would restrict the number of waterways protected under the Clean Water Act.

Why Bullshit Hurts Democracy More than Lies

The philosopher Harry Frankfurt uses the idea of bullshit as a way of understanding what’s distinctive about this sort of deception. How can we compare it to our current political world?

EPA Chief Fights for his Job in Meeting with Trump

While some White House aides are increasingly fed up with Pruitt and chief of staff John Kelly has advocated firing him, Trump remains less certain.

What Swamp? Lobbyists Get Ethics Waivers to Work for Trump

President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries they worked for.

Agency-by-Agency Highlights of President Trump’s 2019 Budget

These are agency-by-agency highlights of President Donald Trump’s budget for fiscal year 2019, released Monday.

