Solution for America: “Let’s Make Donald Trump King”


Many things come and go. Many of them are not life changing, earth shattering or dangerous. Voting for Donald Trump however, that decision will stay with a lot of people for at least 4 years.

Recent polls show that some of the people who voted for Trump consider NOT doing it again in 2020. Others will do it no matter what. Well, to these people, Jimmy Kimmel is talking to.

After one of the craziest days in Donald Trump’s presidency, Jimmy delivers a message to those who voted for him and presents a plan that could solve all of our problems.

Americans appear to have soured more on Trump after a tumultuous weekend during which the president fought back a steady drumbeat of criticism to his statements regarding the violent incidents in Charlottesville, statements that ramped up concerns about his leadership and sympathy with white nationalist (supremacist) groups.

As we usually say, get a good laugh with Jimmy Kimmel’s plan to save American from a Trump presidency but ultimately, reflect upon what’s wrong in our politics right now.


Jimmy Kimmel’s plan to save American from Trump. get a good laugh with Jimmy Kimmel’s message but, reflect upon what’s wrong with America’s politics.