‘Saturday Night Live’ Addressed Sexual Misconduct, Hypocrisy, and Double Standards



“Senator Al Franken is being accused of sexual misconduct on a 2006 U.S.O. Tour by Leann Tweeden, who posted this photo of Franken apparently groping her breasts while she was asleep,” said Colin Jost, co-host of “Weekend Update” pointing to the photo of Franken and Tweeden. “Now, I know this photo looks bad, but remember it also is bad.”

Jost then noted that the photo was taken before Franken ran for public office, but was taken after he was “a sophomore in high school.”

“Pretty hard to be like, ‘Oh, c’mon he didn’t know any better, he was only 55,'” Jost added.

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Che and Colin are just so good at this!

After Senator Al Franken became the latest of a series of high-profile Americans to face allegations of sexual misconduct, President Donald Trump lashed out at Franken’s actions while ignoring his own misconduct and that of would-be Senator Roy Moore.

And this is what goes so wrong in politics nowadays, and guess what, this is exactly what Americans voters screamed out loud when they voted for Trump—draining Washington of all corrupt politicians, hypocrisy, and double standards.

In past episodes, ‘Saturday Night Live’ has addressed the topic belatedly. Harvey Weinstein, Roy S. Moore and Louis C.K. have been a few of them. Franken, who is a former “SNL” writer and performer, was accused by Tweeden, a female radio news anchor, on Thursday. This led the Minnesota senator to issue an apology.

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And in the recent S.N.L installment., it was Senator Al Franken’s turn.

The problem of sexual harassment sits at the intersection of pop culture and politics, and the latest accusations of sexual misconduct by a prominent, powerful men like Senator Franken is a proof that there’s much to do to resolve the issue.

At least, the Senator issue an apology and did not deny what happened. Louis C.K. was brave enough to simply admit it. He released a statement in response to a report published Thursday in The New York Times about several women who stepped forward to discuss experiences with him in which he committed acts of sexual misconduct. In his statement, Louis C.K. said, “These stories are true.”

On the other hand, Republicans being accused have not admitted any wrong doing, on the contrary, they have snapped back to their accusers, pinning them as liars.

But so many women can’t be wrong, right?

‘Saturday Night Live’ Addresses Sexual Misconduct. The problem of sexual harassment sits at the intersection of pop culture and politic. Laugh but reflect.

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